关于 LATICRETE® 的常见问题与解答

想要咨询加入 LATICRETE® 的特定问题?下方的常见问题和人力资源团队的解答也许能为您答疑解惑。


问: 我如何在 LATICRETE 找到工作?





答:是,请使用 Word 文档或 PDF 格式的简历。欢迎随附一封求职信,并在其中说明您为何觉得自己适合这个职位。如果您有与本职位相关的作品集和工作样例,我们也很乐意查看。

问:LATICRETE 在招聘时看重哪些品质?



答:一旦您申请了 LATICRETE 的职位,我们的人才招聘部门员工将审查您的简历。如果您符合职位要求,我们会向您的电子邮箱发送一封面试邀请,您可以选择现场、视频或电话面试。LATICRETE 使用日程安排软件,您可通过求职者日历选择合适的时间。我们采用精简且目标明确的招聘流程,旨在帮助面试团队成员和申请人流畅、高效地完成面试。我们深知您的时间宝贵,并将努力合理利用时间。

问:我申请了 LATICRETE 的职位,但一直没有回音。我怎样才能了解目前的申请进展和申请状态?

答:感谢您关注我们的职位!您成功提交求职申请后,我们将发送一封确认邮件至您在申请表中填写的电子邮箱地址。如果您没有收到邮件,请检查您的垃圾箱文件夹,以确保申请步骤已完成并成功提交。此外,您还可以随时登录我们的“招贤纳士”页面,查看您的申请是否已被审核。所有未能进入下轮面试的申请者也将收到电子邮件通知。我们希望能与所有的 LATICRETE 求职者交流,但我们每周(甚至一天内)都会收到数百份申请。如果您此次未能成功应聘,我们衷心希望您继续关注我们的招聘信息,并在未来申请其他职位:

问:LATICRETE 提供哪些福利?

答: 我们提供极其全面的福利计划,包括重要的医疗、牙科和眼科保险。我们还提供 401k 配套计划、灵活支出计划、学费报销、人寿保险和意外伤害及身故险。此外,我们还制定了严格的休假政策,包括充足的休假、病假和安全假。最后,我们提供 13 天带薪假期,包括 12 月假期中为期一周的休假。请查看此处详细了解我们的福利政策。


答:我们的全球总部位于康涅狄格州贝瑟尼,此外还设有 7 家分支机构,位于全美多个宜居的大城市和小城镇。此外,我们在全球超过 17 个国家拥有 25 家工厂和业务办事处。


答:是的,我们的多个职位都支持部分或完全远程办公,具体取决于职位类型。我们很高兴能够借助 Microsoft 365 套件和 Teams 等技术与所有员工实现无障碍沟通。




问: LATICRETE 是否雇用暑期实习生?如何查看实习机会?

答: 是的。欢迎访问招贤纳士页面,查看实习机会和其他职位空缺。


答: 有。除了为学生提供良好的学习环境,帮助他们探索未来的职业生涯以外,我们还非常重视为所有员工(包括实习生)支付合理的工资。

问:LATICRETE 提供哪些类型的实习机会?

答: 我们通常招聘工程或研发等 STEM 领域的实习生。不过,我们偶尔也招聘非技术岗位的实习生,并愿意考虑来自各个专业的申请者。

问:我在 LATICRETE 工作期间可以继续攻读研究生学位吗?

答: 当然可以!我们高度重视教育,并提供强有力的学费资助计划,帮助员工在职业生涯中不断学习和成长。

  • Q. How do I get a job at LATICRETE?

    A. All open positions in North America can be found on our Careers page. They can be searched by a variety of categories like location and department. Additionally, once you have created a profile in our system, you can set alerts for future openings that the company posts.
  • Q. Can I apply to more than one job?

    A. Certainly, but we encourage you to apply for the one(s) that best fits your skillset and/or experience. Applying for multiple openings will not increase your chances of getting a position in most cases. Our Talent Acquisitions team reviews every application and will routinely consider applicants for additional positions they feel candidates might be a match for other roles. 
  • Q. Do you have a preferred format for my resume? Also, should I include a cover letter?

    A. Yes, please use either a Word Doc or PDF for your resume. We certainly encourage you to share a cover letter with why you feel this role is a good fit for you. We are also open to reviewing portfolios and work samples if they are relevant to the role.
  • Q. What qualities do you look for when hiring at LATICRETE?

    A. We are always looking for candidates who live our core values of Trust and Integrity, Passion and Commitment, Innovation, Customer Centricity, Growing Together and Caring. Previous experience in the building materials industry is very welcome, but not required. As a company founded on innovation, we are always interested in applicants who have a background in innovation and bringing new products to life. You can learn more about some of our innovative projects right now by visiting our Innovation and Impact page.
  • Q. What is the hiring process like?

    A. Once you have applied for a position at LATICRETE, someone from our Talent Acquisitions department will review your resume. If it is a match for the position, you will receive an email requesting an interview, either in person, via video or on the phone. LATICRETE uses a scheduling software that will allow you to pick an available time on the requestor’s calendar.  From there it is a purposeful and streamlined process, with the intent of being as smooth and impactful for both our interviewing team and the applicant. We understand your time is valuable and strive to use it wisely.
  • Q. I applied for a position at LATICRETE and I haven't heard back. How can I find out where I am in the process and what the status of my application is?

    A. We appreciate your interest! All completed applications receive an acknowledgment email to the address you listed in your application. If you did not receive an email, you may want to check your Spam folder to ensure the application was complete and received. Additionally, you can always log in to our careers page and see if your application has been reviewed. All applications that are not selected to move forward in the process will also receive an email notification. We wish we could speak to every applicant who is interested in working at LATICRETE, but we received hundreds of applications a week (sometimes in a single day). If you aren’t selected for a position here, we truly hope that you will continue to consider us as a potential employer and will apply for other roles in the future. 
  • Q. How are the benefits at LATICRETE?

    A. We have a very comprehensive benefit package that includes significant medical, dental and vision coverage. We also have a 401k matching plan, flexible spending, tuition reimbursement, life insurance and AD&D. Additionally, we have a strong time off policy that includes plenty of vacation, sick and safe time. Finally, we have 13 paid holidays, including a week of shut down during the December holidays. A more comprehensive look at our benefits can be seen here.
  • Q. Where are you located?

    A. Our World Headquarters is in Bethany, CT and we have 7 additional locations in some of the most desirable big cities and small towns across the United States. We also have more than 25 facilities and business offices in over 17 countries across the globe.
  • Q. Do you offer remote or hybrid work?

    A. Yes, many of our roles are either partially or fully remote, depending upon the type of position. We are pleased to utilize a variety of technology such as the Microsoft 365 suite and Teams to allow for seamless connections with all of our employees.
  • Q. Do you offer relocation assistance?

    A. Yes, depending upon the position and situation.

College & Internship Questions

  • Q. Does LATICRETE hire summer interns? How can I view internship opportunities?

    A. Yes. All internship roles can be viewed by going to our Careers page alongside our other open positions.

  • Q. Are they paid positions?

    A. Yes. In addition to providing a strong learning environment where students can begin to explore future careers, we feel strongly about paying a fair wage for the work that is being done.
  • Q. What types of internships are offered?  

    A. Typically, we tend to hire interns in STEM roles such as Engineering or R&D. We do occasionally have needs for interns in non-technical positions though and are open to considering applicants from all majors. 
  • Q. Can I pursue a graduate degree while employed at LATICRETE?

    A. Certainly! We highly prize education and offer a strong tuition assistance program to help our employees continue to learn and grow in their careers.
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