LATICRETE tiene un compromiso con las comunidades de todo el mundo y se enorgullece de patrocinar eventos y organizaciones comunitarias.
Nuestro propósito es mejorar el mundo construido y las vidas de quienes lo construyen. Creemos firmemente en ser buenos ciudadanos corporativos y contribuir a grupos comunitarios, familias y organizaciones benéficas.
Estas son algunas de las contribuciones benéficas recientes realizadas por la organización y sus empleados en tiempo, recursos o fondos.
- ‘r kids, Inc.
- 4H Club
- A.B.L.E. Ministries
- ABMA Foundation
- AIA - CT
- American Cancer Society
- American Heart Association
- American Red Cross - Raleigh
- American Red Cross - South Central CT
- American Red Cross (Hurricane Harvey 2017)
- Amity Animal Rescue Fund
- Amity Athletics Booster Club
- Amity Football - Golf Tournament
- Amity Football - Spartan Challenge
- Amity Hockey - Golf Tournament
- Amity Jr. High School Student Folder Program
- Amity Jr. Statesman of America
- Amity Regional High School - Amity Hall of Honor
- Amity Regional High School - People
- Amity Regional High School - Scholarships
- Amity Regional High School - Spanish National Honor Society
- Amity Wrestling Team - Golf Tournament
- Angel Fire Balloon Rally
- Animal Haven of Greater New Haven
- Anti-Defamation League
- Appalachian Mountain Club
- Artspace New Haven
- B’Nai Jacob - Library
- B’Nai Jacob - Playground Fund
- Beecher Road School
- Bethany 175th Anniversary
- Bethany Athletic Association
- Bethany Boy Scout / Cub Pack Troop 931
- Bethany Clean Energy Task Force
- Bethany Cub Scout Troop 59
- Bethany Democratic Town Committee
- Bethany Family Day
- Bethany Garden Club
- Bethany Historic Society
- Bethany Horse Show
- Bethany Land Trust
- Bethany Library Association, Inc.
- Bethany Lions Club
- Bethany Lions Club - Annual Car Show
- Bethany Nursery Group
- Bethany Parks and Recreation Dept.
- Bethany Summer League
- Bethany Volunteer Fire Dept.
- Bethany Volunteer Fire Dept. Ambulance Corp
- Bethany Volunteer Fire Dept. Auxiliary
- BethWood Softball League
- Be The Match (Woodbridge, CT)
- B'Nai Jacob - Congregation
- Boy Scouts of America - CT Yankee Council
- Caring Bridge Organization
- Celebration of Hope
- Center for Dzogchen Studies
- Chamber Music @ Bethany, Inc.
- Colorado College Development Office
- Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
- Community Foundation of Greater New Haven
- Community Fund for Women and Girls / CFGNH
- Community Health Charities of CT - Charity Ball
- Connecticut STEM Foundation, Inc.
- Connecticut Women’s Hall of Fame (CWHF)
- Compassionate Community Services, Inc.
- Connecticut Forest & Park Association
- Crossroads Community Church
- CT - Pub. Broad Sys, Inc.
- CT State Police
- CT Women's Hall of Fame
- Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
- Dana Farber Cancer Institute / Peter McKeon
- Devereux Glenholme
- Dwight Hall at Yale
- Eagle Project - Andrew D'Ambrose
- Eagle Scout Project
- Educational Center for the Arts
- Emory University
- Ezra Academy
- First Church - Woodbridge
- First Giving
- Fitzie Foundation
- Food & Latex Allergy Awareness Group (FLAAG)
- Friends of the Bethany Library
- Fumiatti Golf Tournament
- Gateway Community College
- Girl Scouts of America (Bethany)
- Goodwin College Foundation
- Grassroot Soccer
- Green Mountain Club, Inc.
- Griffin Hospital Cancer Center
- Griffin Hospital Capital Campaign
- Habitat for Humanity of Greater New Haven
- Hadassah Wepawaug - CT Valley
- Harvard Business School Fund
- Healthnet Foundation (Formerly IOS)
- Hecht, Hershy
- Hecht, Rabbi
- Hole In The Wall Gang Camp
- Hope Community
- Hubbard Family
- Huntington Disease Society
- Int'l Festival of Arts & Ideas
- James Leach
- Jamie A. Hulley Arts Foundation
- JCC of Greater New Haven
- Jeremy Saxe Annual Volleyball Tournament
- Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven
- Jewish Home for the Aged
- Jewish Historical Society of Greater New Haven Inc.
- Juneau Jewish Community Center
- Junior Achievement
- Junior League of Greater New Haven
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
- Knights of Columbus - Trinity Council 5467
- LAM - Lymphantioleiomyomatosis
- Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
- Mana Family, The
- Marble Institute of America (MIA)
- March of Dimes
- Marine Parents
- Marlboro County School of Discovery
- Massaro Community Farm, Woodbridge, CT
- Master Wholesale - Blake Adsero
- Mishkan Israel Day Camp
- Miss CT Jr. Teen America
- Mount Holyoke
- National Conference for Community & Justice CT - MA
- National Multiple Sclerosis Society
- National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS)
- New England Ballet Company
- New Haven Hebrew Day School
- Notre Dame High School, Fairfield, CT
- Oak Lane Country Club
- Pathfinder Club - Waterbury Alpines
- People to People Student Ambassadors
- Pompano Beach (FL) High School
- President's Society - Appalachian Mountain Club
- Quota International
- Read to Grow (Books for Children)
- Run for Chris 5K
- Russ von Beren Retirement Party
- Sacred Heart Academy
- Saint Francis of Assisi
- Saint Martin Academy
- Sal Semmonella Scholarship Fund
- Seeds of Peace
- Shriners Hospital
- Sleeping Giant Pony Club
- Southern Connecticut Hebrew Academy
- Special Olympics CT / Bethany Troopers
- Taste of the Nations
- The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
- Tuberous Sclerosis Alliance / The Rothberg Institute
- U 16 Boy's Soccer Team
- United Way of Greater New Haven
- University of Connecticut
- Vermont Christian Education Foundation
- Veterans of Foreign Wars
- Victor Advertising Service
- VT Christian Education Foundation, Ltd.
- Watertown Youth Hockey
- WMCA - Branford
- Woodbridge Human Services
- Woodbridge Library
- Woodbridge Lions Club
- Woodbridge Park Association
- Woodbridge Police Union Local 362
- Woodbridge Recreation Department
- Woodbridge Running Company
- Woodbridge Teen Center
- Woodbridge Volunteer Fire Association (WVFA)
- Woodbridge, Town of (Concert on the Green)
- Working Lands Alliance
- Yale - Women's Health Research
- Yale New Haven Hospital Gala
- Yale Peabody Museum Gala
- Yeshiva Shaar Ephraim
- YPO Foundation

La 3ª generación de Rothbergs agradece a distribuidor por 40 años
Recientemente celebraron la gran inauguración de su nueva sala de exposición en Seattle, un espacio deslumbrante, ¡con un evento memorable!
Beca de investigación quirúrgica LATICRETE/YALE en Uganda
LATICRETE se enorgullece de patrocinar una beca quirúrgica de varios años en la que la Facultad de Medicina de Yale capacita a cirujanos ugandeses en una especialidad.

LATICRETE apadrina una escuela para niñas en Ghana
Los propietarios y empleados de LATICRETE están comprometidos a "hacer el bien" como "nos va bien"; Hacer del mundo un lugar mejor que cuando llegamos aquí.

LATICRETE dona al proyecto de cinco años del Trinity College en Tanzania
LATICRETE se enorgullece de apoyar, a través de una importante donación, al capítulo estudiantil de Ingenieros Sin Fronteras (TC-EWB) del Trinity College de Connecticut.
Haga clic en los eventos y patrocinios que figuran a continuación para obtener más información:
- LATICRETE Supports Local Representative in the 2018 Pan Mass Challenge Cancer Fundraiser
- First Tee Goes to The 2017 Presidents Cup Golf Tournament
- LATICRETE Supports Peter McKeon in Pan Mass Challenge Cancer Fundraiser
- 3rd Generation Rothbergs Thank 40 year LATICRETE Distributor
- LATICRETE / YALE Surgical Fellowship in Uganda, East Africa
- Bricklayers and Allied Craftsman Local No.3
- Peter McKeon of LATICRETE Participates in the 2016 Pan Mass Challenge
- LATICRETE Donates to Joni & Friends Warrior Family Retreat Program
- LATICRETE Donates to Wounded Warrior Project
- LATICRETE Contributes to Harvard Business School
- LATICRETE Contributes to Green Mountain Club
- Thanks from Amity Storm
- LATICRETE Team Helps Firefighters On Moreton Island
- LATICRETE Donates to MS Walk
- LATICRETE Donates to A.I. Prince Technical High School Project
- LATICRETE Sponsors Girls' School in Ghana
- Earth Day Fair
- Peter M. and Matt S. of LATICRETE Participate in Pan Mass Challenge
- LATICRETE Donates to Trinity College Five-Year Project in Tanzania