9237 Waterproofing Membrane

Produkt #

9237 Waterproofing Membrane is a ready -to -use rubber waterproofing membrane.

Farbe / Ausführung:


9237 Waterproofing Membrane is a roller applied liquid rubber that forms a waterproofing membrane for use under thin & thick bed installations of ceramic tile and stone and other finishes. Does not require the use of fabric in large construction.

Info und Leitfäden

Merkmale und Vorteile

Safe — no solvents and non-flammable Easy to use Suitable for exterior and interior Clean with water Recommended for residential and commercial floor and wall installations



Verfügbare Farben
Teil eines Systems
Verfügbarkeit nach Land China, People's Republic of, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Korea, South, Macau, China, Mongolia, Taiwan, China
Geeignete Untergründe
Packungsgrößen 20kg/pail

Verfügbare Garantien

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